Meet Harry Scanlon
Harry grew up in and around the family vineyard at Scanlon Estate, located in the Adelaide Hills, and was quickly introduced to the vine and wine world.
Harry knew from a young age it was his ambition to become a winemaker. Harry was lucky enough to be introduced to all things wine by the late and truly great Taras Ochota of Ochota Barrels, and is currently working with the Pinot masters Stephen George and Liam Van Pelt of Ashton Hills Vineyard.
In the past Harry has worked with Louis Schofield of Worlds Apart Wines, along with the constant support and helping hand of Alex Trescowthick currently of Red Heads, Tresco Wine and previously a Nepenthe Head Winemaker.
Harry’s obsession with Burgundy has inspired him to make wines that not only speak of place and are unique to the Piccadilly Valley, but wine of the highest quality with upmost perfectionism and age ability in mind.